Class Code

Heart Centered Therapy 1 (HCT1): Touching from the Heart - Assume Only Love

Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) is a gift of the heart, a sacred journey within.

Heart Centered Therapy level 1 (HCT1) - Touching from the Heart - is a profound 4-day class that teaches techniques that are guided by the wisdom of the heart.

The heart naturally knows how to heal our bodies and our consciousness and dissolve beliefs that may have held us in pain, confusion, and/or separation.
HCT offers deep healing without reliving the trauma as we are held in the safety, love, and compassion of the heart. When we are able to stop identifying with who we are not, we are free to discover who we truly are. 

We not only work in the present moment but also access the original trauma where negative decisions and beliefs were formulated.  Step-by-step guidelines help us to gently identify and transform the emotional component of disease in the body, the related trauma, as well as the ancestral patterns that have sustained wounding within the immediate family and the family lineage. Inside this gentle and respectful process is a very direct, straightforward approach that pierces straight to the core of an issue.
This class is offered to both professionals and laypeople. It gives families tools to heal relationships and deepen intimacy and communication. People come because they want to heal, to be free, to love again, and to be loved. HCT is an experience that restores hope.

The depths of the work cannot be met until the heart is awakened.

The heart is the key, the access point for the journey to begin.

Please join us on this sacred journey. 

Class length: 4 days
Online Class length: 3 days

Contact Continuing Education (CE) Hours Total: 24 CEUs for massage therapists - NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451238-10

NCBTMB CEUs are accepted in every US state for NCBTMB certification renewal.

Most states accept NCBTMB for license renewal but not all. We are also an approved provider for NY state.

Please look here for more information:

Because certification and license renewal policies vary from state to state, it's important for you to make sure the CEUs are accepted wherever you practice. Therefore, please be aware that this information may not apply in your state.

Check your state’s website at:

Alberta massage therapists: Members of the RMTA will receive 19 Continuing Education Credits (CEC) upon the submission of a certificate of completion for each course.


The Heart Centered Therapy Experience

Heart Centered Therapy 1 (HCT1): Touching from the Heart - Assume Only Love

HCT Therapy addresses the direct physical effects of unresolved emotion in the body and also accesses the original trauma where negative decisions and beliefs were formulated. As we are held in safety, love, and compassion of the heart, we are free to discover who we truly are.
Heartfelt techniques include step-by-step guidelines that identify and transform: the emotional component of disease and discomfort in the body, the related trauma, as well as the ancestral patterns that have to perpetuate dysfunction within the immediate family and family lineage.
In this process, we also learn to internally listen to the sound and frequencies that framed/sustained our family dynamics. As we recognize dissonant sounds in the homes where we were raised, we can see what we may have given up parts of ourselves in order to stay resonant as part of our families. This sacrifice enabled us to be one with our mothers and fathers and to be a part of the whole, however, we may have dissociated and given up our voice, confidence, ability to love, trust, connection, etc... Recognizing this, we come to understand that our parents “also” gave up a part of themselves to be one with their mother and father. We can then step into a deeper understanding and compassion for ourselves and our family. When we come to a place of loving and compassionate understanding, healing deepens.
We are an intrinsic part of the family consciousness. The healing of the whole is interrelated to our personal healing.
In awareness, we can reclaim that which we gave up. In so doing we can support everyone in our families to follow this lead, as no one is excluded in the healing. It gives families tools to heal relationships, communication and deepen intimacy in order to heal, love, and be loved again.


No Prerequisites.

Healthcare professional license not required.


Price: $950

Registration Discount: $750

This is a class with no CHI class pre-requisites. If you have never taken a class with CHI, you are invited to receive a $200 discount ($750) for this class if paid in full 45 days prior to the class start date.
(If the class is not paid in full 45 days before the start of class, the rate automatically goes up to $950)

Spouse/Family Discount: $650

Repeat: $475



Perci K., NCBTMB Board Certified, Certification from the Board of Nursing in Virginia

"It is an honor and a privilege to be a student with Bruno and Alaya Chikly and the Chikly Health Institute.
As a veteran therapist (37 years) and a continuing ed course junkie, I can say with total conviction that CHI is by far the best; the best teachers, cutting edge material, and the most enjoyable experiences."

Perci K., NCBTMB Board Certified, Certification from the Board of Nursing in Virginia
Chikly Health Institute

I have lived more than half of my life with scoliosis and constant discomfort. After over a decade of chiropractic, physical therapy, and many other forms of relief I met Bruno Chikly. With only three sessions, Bruno was able to take away the pain in my back and straighten my spine in ways I never thought possible. I can actually feel the bones in my spine, like a normal back, whereas before I was not able to at all. Before the work that Bruno did on my back I was seeing a chiropractor about twice a week. Now, I have not seen one in over a month and I have never felt better.

Jojo C, AZ, 20 years old.
Chikly Health Institute

How HCT Changed my Coaching Career and Personal Life?

I have been a dedicated competitive swimming coach for 30 years. I was fortunate to experience two of my swimmers making the Olympic team, one of which was a medalist at the Seoul Games in Korea in 1988. Two years ago I met Alaya at HCT 1 and came to the realization that I have a heart and that I could see and feel life differently for myself. My life was changed forever. It was at HCT 2 that it hit me what a profound impact this process could have on the children that I work with. How might I incorporate HCT in my coaching philosophy?
We started in a very innocent way introducing the basic principles of HTC and experimenting with these experiences in the water. We now have some kids purely swimming in their heart and working with sound improves skills and reduces fatigue levels while training and racing. I feel enthusiastic that we are moving forward with Heart Centered Swimming. I feel confident that through heart-filled intention and openness to further exploration, we could have a profound impact on coaches of all sports.
Working in a Loving way has challenged my own personal growth and has reduced the life stresses that we all put on ourselves. Creating change in people’s minds is always challenging, but very much worth the effort. I look forward to the continuing Journey that Heart Centered Swimming and living fully in my Heart Brings to my own life and lives that I connect with.
Basically, when the kids are in their heart space and using sound they can:
- Improve their stroke position floatability
- They can reduce increase speed using sound – therefore fatigue is not really present
- There swimming races can reflect when they are in their heart and not. Their splits (times time per length) can indicate when they where in or out of their heart.
We’ve done tests where I get the kids to do vertical kicking holding an object above water. When in their heart, there is very little noise in the water. In their heads… the total opposite, we hear grunting, and lots of water noise.

Eric Kramer, Head Coach Northumberland Aquatic Club Port Hope, Ontario, Canada
Chikly Health Institute

I recently returned from a four-day workshop in Palm Beach Gardens given by Alaya and Bruno Chikly. I found it comparable to the Gestalt Pastoral Therapy I used to practice, except this is gentler, more focussed, more powerful, and you don't need five years of training and a master's degree to take the class. Whether it is something you would like to experience once or use in an ongoing manner, heart work is utterly magical and transformative.

My heart chakra has not been as activated as it was during this class since the last time I was in the presence of Master Choa. This work is a manifestation of the healing power of the Divine Feminine. During my session as a demo for ancestral healing, I received clear images with substantial and specific information from 15,000 years ago during the time of Atlantis, which is relevant to who I am and what I am doing right now. During my 30 years of inner work, counseling, meditation, healing, and therapy, nothing accessed that information until this class.

Anthony, July, 2007, Florida
Chikly Health Institute

I am writing what might be called a "testimonial" to positively RAVE about and endorse the value of Alaya Chikly's Heart-Centered Therapy curriculum (HCT); I just took HCT1 up in Boise and am eager to sign up for HCT2. As you know, I've been in the Upledger loop for a l-o-n-g time: you know how much I Iove the work, respect what it can do, and how superb it is that CST combines well with Visceral Manipulation and other "modalities" under the IAHE umbrella.

One of the questions on the eval form we completed on day 4 addresses "techniques" taught that we might find valuable. HCT is so much more than technique. It is blessedly SIMPLE, and so very profound and far-reaching in its gentle application. I can't wait to blend it in with the other ways of work I use, "proper tool for the proper job" and so forth -- but clearing the dissonant energies of long-held and limiting family patterns out of our precious bodies makes SUCH a difference in terms of the ease, grace, and joy we can experience every single day of our lives and share with others.

 The sacred is always simple. Complexity is the realm of the ego. Of course, we need both head intelligence and heart intelligence. Coming to the head intelligence with the truly OPEN heart, however, makes living and learning so much easier and happier!  I would not hesitate to say that Alaya's Heart-Centered Therapy is truly sacred work. I am filled withg gratitude to have it braiding into my own life and work.

 I may be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if Alaya's own sweetness and gentleness, her non-pushiness, has perhaps led to HCT's being a bit less emphasized as a significant part of the IAHE curriculum. I am going to make it one of my own intentions, with my Study Groups and ongoing participation in CST and VM classes, to speak of the value of Heart-Centered Therapy..


Linda B., LMT, CST-D
Chikly Health Institute

I've been thinking about you lately and remembering HCT3. It has given me so much peace as I walk through this cancer journey… You have given me the peace of knowing myself and feeling that I am loved and connected to those who are on this journey. The gift of HCT3 is about knowing and receiving love at a deeper level…I don't think it ever leaves me. For me it was getting past the fear and embracing the unknown in an acceptance of who I am through my relationship with God. Difficult to find the right words but you, Alaya, have the gift of "being" and "communication" and the "knowingness" of taking people to a higher consciousness.

Barbara S Ryan, Certified Bodywork Therapist, Certified Massage Therapist
Chikly Health Institute

The HCT process is an astounding recognition that the heart itself, has a level of intelligence that is so far reaching, powerful, and so clear as to perceive reality from a whole new vantage point. It is a rush of energy, an exhilaration. When I look out, I understand that heart has eyes and cosmic sight of its own. Its a pure form of intelligence. Nothing in reality is processed the same way again. Its an integration of wisdom that is incredibly beautiful.

Tracey Gisquet, Craniosacral Therapist, Reiki Master, Clairvoyant
The Heart’s Power to Connect - Heart Centered Therapy (HCT).
Is HCT Beneficial for Healthcare Practitioners?
Emotional Healing without Reliving the Trauma: Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) by Alaya Chikly
Recognizing Information from the Head and the Heart: Heart Centered Therapy Level 1 by Alaya Chikly.
What You Learn and Experience in Heart Centered Therapy Level 1 (HCT1) by Alaya Chikly 08-13
A Touching Story: How Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) Transformed Annie's Life.
Could A Single Thought Be The Source of All Disease? Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) by Alaya Chikly.
Allison is a Dr. of Physical Therapy Who Talks about Heart Centered Therapy 1 with Alaya Chikly
The Sincerity of the Heart: Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) by Alaya Chikly
Alaya Chikly Shares Her Life Story and the Unfoldment of Heart Centered Therapy (HCT)